September admissions for Reception Year are through Kent County Council.
The application window for admissions for Reception places has now closed (15th January 2024) If you wish to apply for a place after this date you will need to complete a late admission form. Please contact KCC or call our school office 01233632339 for further support or advice.
Appeal process:
If your child is due to start Primary school in September 2025, you can appeal if you are refused a place at one of your preferred schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday, 16th April 2025). You needed to submit your appeal before Tuesday 20th May 2025 for it to be considered by Tuesday 22nd July 2025. Any appeals received after this time will be heard within 40 school days from the deadline, or where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education.
For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 school days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged where reasonably possible in line with updated guidance from the Department for Education
For transfers during the school year, please contact the school office directly.
If you are a prospective parent looking for a space for your child in current year groups at Downs View, please contact the school office: or 01233 632339
We encourage all new parents to come and visit the school with your child if possible. You will need to complete an in-year admission form to confirm your interest. This can be found using the following link: Primary School Admission Form and needs to be returned to the school office.
If you are new to the area, you may be feeling worried about this process and how you will ensure that your child is supported during this transition.
Please read our admission policy for more information about our procedures which we hope will support you with the process.
Please follow this link: Admissions policy Downs View
Below is a testimonial from a parent who went through this transition at Downs View:
We moved to Ashford shortly after my son started in Reception, which meant we had to apply for an in-year admission to Downs View. When I researched schools in the previous summer term and first spoke Mrs Kent and office staff at Downs View, I was very reassured by how welcoming they were to me, how easy they made the application process (particularly during the stress of a house move) and how much attention they paid to ensuring children joining in-year settled well.
Because of delays in exchanging contracts, my son actually started school near our old house and did his “settling in period” there. After we confirmed our move, my son’s new teachers spoke to his old ones who handed over the research they did during the reception entry process of nursery and home visits. My son had a “settling in” session in the week before we moved. He was welcomed both by his new teacher and teaching assistant but also, importantly, by the children he’d be joining. One child showed him around the classroom and introduced him to his friends, which set the tone for a really successful integration into his new class. With the support of the staff and other pupils, my quiet, shy son settled brilliantly and has blossomed into a confident member of this lovely school’s community. I remain hugely grateful for the support of the school team during his transition and those early weeks.
D Turner, previous parent of two children at Downs View
Transition to School
Preparing your child to begin school is crucial and therefore we offer a range of opportunities to make this transition as exciting and as smooth as possible. Our transition programme, welcome letter and information will be sent to you after you have accepted your place at Downs View.