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Downs View Infant School

Friends of Downs View

Contact through the School Office – 01233 632339  or email friendsofdownsview@gmail.com.

About the Friends

The Friends of Downs View is the Parent/Teacher Association for our school.  Our role is to organise and run fund-raising activities. Any money raised is used to provide resources, both large and small, to benefit the children at the school.  The Friends Committee works very closely with the school to ensure that the funds raised go to approved projects. All parents automatically become members of the ‘Friends’ when their children join the school, and we would really love you to get involved and have a more active role. Please keep an eye out on Parentmail, Facebook and Instagram for information on upcoming meetings and future events!  

Why not join The Committee?  Help with special events?  Offer your ideas and suggestions.? Any small donation of time would be greatly appreciated! We love to see new faces and new ideas!

The Friends of Downsview would like to thank everyone for their continued support in all we are doing to raise monies for the school.


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