School Priorities
1 Leadership & Management |
*To strengthen the governors’ strategic knowledge and monitoring of the school’s priorities to positively impact on the outstanding leadership of the school. *To increase the impact of the governor’s role in monitoring and aiding improvement within the school
*For all leaders to use action research to strengthen innovative approaches for teaching and learning
*To strengthen subject leadership to : · ensure that the revised curriculum is taught effectively, resulting in pupils working fluently, building their knowledge and applying that knowledge as skills · monitor assessment systems to prevent gaps in pupil knowledge occurring and rapidly improve pupil outcomes · ensure a consistent progression of knowledge and skills from EYFS- end of KS2 through strengthening partnership with Kennington Academy.
*For Co-headteachers, with support from Business Manager to maintain a sustainable budget against all school priorities. |
2. Quality of Education |
*To strengthen the children’s mathematical knowledge to develop fluency skills and their ability to record their mathematical understanding.
* To ensure all children are confident when reading and spelling across the curriculum.
*To strengthen effective practices to improve pupil outcomes in writing
*Diminishing the difference for disadvantaged pupils and boys at end of each year in reading and writing to improve pupil outcomes
*To maintain a whole school approach to oracy within all subjects.
*To strengthen the use of outdoor learning environment to enhance opportunities for learning in KS1 |
3. Behaviour and Attitudes |
*Ensure that attendance is outstanding (97%+) for ALL children
*To sustain a consistent whole school approach to mental health and well-being for all stakeholders |
4. Personal Development |
*To strengthen the experiences provided for children to develop their interests and talents, including extra-curricular activities for future success.
*To ensure that the revised curriculum fosters the necessary life skills in preparation for children to thrive and succeed in their future. |
5. EYFS |
*To provide an additional personalised nurture style environment for pupils with a high level of need
*To ensure that pupils who become in below and well below typical make accelerated progress by end of EYFS.
*Diminishing the difference for disadvantaged (compared to others) in Reading, writing and Maths at end of the year (baseline pending) |