Science at Downs View
Science Vision Statement
At Downs View we are committed to encourage children’s natural inquisitiveness about the world around them and to develop an understanding of how these phenomena affect their daily lives. We strongly believe that our engaging curriculum is ever evolving around the current school profile, providing opportunities for all children to develop the essential scientific knowledge, vocabulary and skills and curiosity of their own.
Our broad and balanced curriculum, which is built and developed from the children’s interests, is woven together using 6 golden scientific enquiry strands. These strands are skilfully woven throughout each unit of work to ensure the children are provided with the opportunity to develop their disciplinary skills alongside deepening their conceptual knowledge encouraging them, to not only learn scientific knowledge, but also to challenge this knowledge through scientific study. This will encourage them to investigate for themselves, developing their own lines of enquiry about the world around them and becoming independent scientists.
Science at Downs View is intriguing, experimental, inquisitive and engaging. We hope to prosper a lifelong love of Science through a variety of early educational opportunities and prepare gifted children to become exceptional scientists.
School Values (Linked to School Plan)
Love – Foster a life-long love for learning of which science is embedded within and in a variety of contexts.
Learn – To ensure personalised learning within science enabling children to develop their own line of enquiry and take their own personal discovery through ID.
Respect – Through the teaching of science children are taught to show respect for living things and the world we live in.
Fun – Children to engage in an exploratory approach which feds their curiosity to learn and investigate more.
Science Long Term Vision - Intent, Implementation, Impact
Intent - At Downs View we nurture children’s natural wonder to encourage them to question and enquiry about what they observe. Our curriculum aims to challenge their prior knowledge making them use what they have observed to build predictions and draw conclusions for themselves.
Implementation - Through the delivery of a broad and balanced, creative curriculum that meets the needs of the children. Our curriculum is enquiry based and builds upon prior learning. Each unit of work is developed around an investigation which engages the children and encourages them to put their learning into context. As each unit develops the golden strands encourage the children to make predictions, hypothesise, investigate, ask questions, and analyse results to make clear links between the investigation and their new knowledge.
Impact - That all children will have the opportunity to make expected or greater than expected progress within science. Children will understand the importance science plays in all of our lives and show understanding of how scientific developments have changed overtime. Our science curriculum will be carefully linked to our outdoor learning opportunities which will also be underpinned by our disciplinary skills outlined in our science curriculum. We would love for our children to feel confident to use their scientific skills to explore a range of opportunities and experiments and move onto their next stage of learning with clear understanding of the key scientific concepts.
Key Documents
Scientific Enquiry Overview EYFS Components & End Points
Year 1 Long Term Plan Year 1 Components & End Points