Geography Vision Statement
Downs View aspires to provide children with the opportunities to engage and fascinate children by the wonders of the Earth. We want children to begin their educational journey exploring the complexity of our world and appreciate the diversity and culture within it.
· Foster children’s curiosity about the world around them and their place within it.
· Delve into children’s inquisitiveness for the world’s human and physical features.
· Equip children with the knowledge of key places, people, environments and the community.
· Provide a high-quality Geography education by shaping a creative, exciting and inclusive enquiry based curriculum.
· Offer wider experiences and provision during child-initiated times.
· Give challenge, deeper learning and develop children’s curiosity about the world around us.
· Equip children with the skills and knowledge to investigate, explore and think critically about geographical concepts.
· Through structured sessions and child-initiated learning, children to develop their curiosity of the world around them through a variety of activities that allow them to understand the interactions between human and physical processes.
· Children want to investigate the world around them, exploring and using geographical language and thinking critically about the content explored.
· Gaps in Geography will be closed and all children will be achieving their best during sessions.
· Children’s wellbeing is high whilst they investigate geographical skills and knowledge.
· Children can be masters of their learning and think critically about geographical content.
· Children are fully equipped with the knowledge of diverse places, people, environments and the community.
· Children have a love for Geography and thrive during all structured and child-initiated sessions.
Geography Sequence of Learning