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Downs View Infant School


Vision Statement

 We aim to provide all pupils with a high quality music education which engages and inspires all to develop a life-long love of music, increase self-confidence, levels of well being and involvement, creativity, and imagination and provide opportunities for self-expression and a sense of personal achievement. We are committed to making music lessons an enjoyable learning experience.

We will provide opportunities for all children to learn and extend their talents in all aspects of music including composition, singing, performing and appreciation. As music reflects the culture and society that we live in, the teaching and learning of music at this school will also enable children to learn more about the world we live in.

We aim for our children to develop a sense of identity and togetherness through learning a wide range of styles and techniques through rehearsing, composing and performing songs to their peers. 


To provide all pupils with a high quality music education which engages and inspires all to develop a life-long love of music, increase self-confidence, levels of well being and involvement, social skills and further cultural awareness.


  • To provide all pupils with the highest quality, consistent approach to teaching.
  • Teachers will build upon previous knowledge and provide challenge for all.
  • Individual learning styles will be planned for to enable all to learn in their preferred style.
  • There will be opportunities for enrichment days to further support and challenge both individuals and groups of children.
  • The school community will create links with parents and the wider community by sharing skills and knowledge learnt through whole school, individual and group performances.


All children will make expected or greater than expected progress from their baseline.

They will have extended their individual talents in all aspects of music including composition, singing and performing. They will be able to work together, have an appreciation for others, high levels of well being and involvement and foster a love of music.

Sequence of Learning

Music Policy 


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