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Downs View Infant School

Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)

Vision Statement

Our vision is to help all children to stay safe, healthy, make positive choices about the things that matter most and prepare them for life's opportunities.


To encourage all children to develop an understanding of the ever changing world in which we live, to develop the skills necessary to take an active role in their community and enable all children to make informed choices and decisions to prepare for life and work in our modern day society.


  • Providing all pupils with the highest quality, consistent approach to teaching and learning.
  • Teachers will build upon previous knowledge and provide challenge for all.
  • Individual learning styles will be planned for to enable all to learn in their preferred style.
  • The school community will create links with parents and the wider community by undertaking visits and inviting organisations into school so that all can learn from these unique experiences.


All children will make expected or greater than expected progress from baseline.

All children will thrive as individuals, have developed the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, have a positive mindset and be confident and successful learners.

PSHE Policy PSHE Sequence of Learning 




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