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Downs View Infant School

Physical Education

Vision Statement

Our vision is for all children at Downs View Infant School to experience excellent physical education, school sport and physical activity that will lead to life-long participation.


Our aim is that high-quality Physical Education is an integral part of the whole school curriculum. We aim to provide maximum opportunities for children to be as active as possible throughout the school day and ensure that all pupils understand the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle.


  • Effective training for staff to ensure high quality teaching and learning
  • Offering a variety of active clubs for children to attend both in school and after school
  • Embedding physical activities within other curriculum subjects
  • Staff are trained and have the knowledge of resources to use for active learning breaks
  • Enhancing the play time and lunch time equipment to allow for more physical activity opportunities
  • Ensuring outside surfaces are suitable for active play
  • Outdoor areas to be used daily in all year groups with physical opportunities available
  • Sports premium funding used effectively to ensure that it has a sustainable impact on physical education for all children


Children will be inspired to lead healthy, active lifestyles. Through PE & Sport our children will learn to develop the important qualities of discipline, resilience, communication, team work and ambition, leading to improved concentration, attitude, and well-being. They will be equipped with the basic cognitive, social and physical skills needed to take part in a variety of sports.

Physical Education Policy PE Sequence of Learning

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