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Downs View Infant School

Religious Education


The vision of RE at Downs View Infant School is linked to that of the Kent Agreed Syllabus which is a statutory syllabus for the teaching of RE.

The principal aim of RE is to engage pupils in systematic enquiry into significant human questions which religion and worldviews address, so that they can develop the understanding and skills needed to appreciate and appraise varied responses to these questions, as well as develop responses of their own.

Kent Agreed Syllabus for RE, 2017-2022


Our unique inclusive curriculum which is ever evolving around the current school profile provides opportunities for all children to develop the essential knowledge and skills which are the foundations for life.


  • The Kent Agreed Syllabus forms the foundation of the RE curriculum
  • The creative, enquiry based curriculum is clearly sequenced to ensure progression from starting points and through the years.
  • This curriculum provides equality for all; high expectations of all groups aim to diminish any significant differences.
  • Leaders seek out relevant and meaningful opportunities to equip children with the knowledge and cultural capital they need to thrive as citizens within the locality and beyond.


Pupils will develop a good understanding of the beliefs of different religions including Christianity, Islam, and others religions that are represented in the school community. The teaching of RE plays a crucial part in enabling children to develop into well balanced, inquisitive and tolerant adults in the diverse society that they live in today. 

RE Sequence of Learning

RE Policy 





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