Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
In Year 2 we love coming to school! Our curriculum is fun and engaging curriculum where all children thrive. We promote our school values of ‘Altogether, we learn, love, respect and have fun’ in all areas of our curriculum. We provide learning that meets the needs and interests of the children in order to build the foundations for a lifelong love of learning. We love to get outside in all weathers and explore our environments, including our exciting forest school! Learning is purposeful and built upon with exciting opportunities to progress further.
Meet our team!
Penguin Class
Mrs Webber will be you class teacher.
Snow Leopard Class
Mrs Little will be your class teacher.
Polar Bear Class
Miss Caldwell will be your class teacher.
Other adults you will see in Year Two
Miss Payne Mrs Reeves Miss Hunt
Miss Friend Mrs Popham