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Downs View Infant School

Term 1 Highlights

Expressive Art and Design Term 1

This term in Expressive Arts and Design we having being learning to make marks using lots of different equipment. We have been investigating creating different lines and shapes. We found out that different materials can be used in different ways to create different effects and that you can make the marks lighter and darker if you apply more or less pressure.

We have also been drawing and painting pictures to accompany the stories we have been reading. We particularly enjoyed painting animals from the story Dear Zoo.

Literacy Term 1

In Literacy we have enjoyed reading a variety of story books. A favourite though was Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. We used a text map, actions and small world props to help us retell the story. We also discussed and matched the adjectives that were used to describe each animal.

We have also had fun learning many phonemes and have had fun writing these on paper, in sand, on the fences with water, shaving foam and chalk.

Maths Term 1

In Maths we have introduced numbers 1,2 and 3. We have learnt how to subitise and represent these numbers in different ways. We have also practiced counting small groups of objects with 1 to 1 correspondence by moving and pointing to them.  

Physical Development Term 1

In Physical Development we have been working hard to improve our fine motor skills! We have been writing the graphemes in sand, using tweezers to pick up pom poms, threading, recreating writing patterns, and modelling with Play Doh. We have also been trying really hard when mark making to use a tripod grip when we hold a pencil, pen or paintbrush.

PSED Term 1

In Personal Social and Emotional Development we have learnt how to wash our hands properly:

  1. Wet your hands
  2. Get some soap
  3. Scrub them together
  4. Rinse them off
  5. Dry them

We then practiced altogether and learnt a song to help us remember each step of the hand washing routine.  

RE Term 1

In Religious Education we have been learning about the different things that make us all special. We passed around a box with something ‘really special inside’. When we opened it up we saw a mirror and discovered that the special thing is us! We learnt that we all look, feel and like different things and its these differences that make us unique.

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