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Downs View Infant School

Term 6 Highlights 2022 2023

In Personal Social and Emotional Development, we have been thinking about how we change as we grow up. We sorted images from baby to adult and discussed what we can do now that we couldn’t do as a baby. We have also been thinking about keeping safe in the environment and on the internet and who trusted adults are and how they can help us.

In Physical Development we have been learning to run, jump and throw correctly. We then used these new-found skills to take part in our first sports day and mini Year group Olympics.


 In Literacy this term we have been learning to orally recall stories using correct vocabulary from the text. We then used our knowledge of the stories we read (The Train Ride, Handa’s Surprise and Let me come in) to support our imaginative writing. We had to remember to use punctuation in the correct places, add adjectives to make our writing more interesting and even tried to add conjunctions to join our sentences together



In Maths we have been looking at the order of number to 20. We created our own number tracks and then used this to play our own track games, where we rolled a dice and then moved along the track the correct number of squares and recalled our finishing number each time. We have also been learning how to create a tally chart and used this to work out how many bears we had in each group and then transferred this new skill to record how many goals had been scored by each player in a game of football during ID.


In Expressive Arts and Design we have been learning to print. We used our own choice of object, dipped it in paint and then printed this on our paper kite or hot air balloon. In Music we have been learning about the orchestra. We learnt that there are four different sections (woodwind, brass, percussion and strings) and that there are both tuned and untuned instruments that are all controlled by a conductor.  



In Understanding the World we have been exploring materials. We began by sorting objects according to the material that they are made from and then used adjectives to describe them i.e. bendy, soft, rough. Once we were confident with naming and sorting we began to think about how to make materials stronger. We were then given a challenge to see if we could make a piece of paper strong enough so that a bear could sit on it. We learnt that by folding the paper we could increase its strength so that a bear, or two or three could in fact sit comfortably without falling off!

We have also been exploring the question ‘How have vehicles changed over time?’. We looked at images of boats, trains, bikes, cars and aeroplanes from the past and present and placed them in correct order on our timeline. We were surprised at how much some of them have changed!



In Religious Education we have been exploring our natural environment. We discussed objects that we found by using all of our senses and then started to think about how all this nature had been created. We then learnt the stories of creation from both the Christian and Muslim faiths and thought about how the stories of creation were similar and different.

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